Dynamism of a Car

A futurist painting by Luigi Russolo, 1913

2 min readFeb 15, 2021

Futurism in a nutshell

On a random day in 1909, some Italian artists waked up, and they agreed on they are done with the past, and they want to look at the bright future. The futurist idea’s origin was the article Manifesto Futurisita written by the poet and writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. I believe these lines from the article describe the futurist art trend perfectly: “We intend to sing the song of love, danger, the habit of energy, and fearlessness.”

So, futurist artists wanted to focus on the beauty of technology, science, progress, and the movement, and they wanted to show everyone that the technological approaches promised a better future.

Dynamism of a Car

The Dynamism of a Car is a painting created by the artist Luigi Russolo in 1913 in Italy.

Luigi Russolo wanted to pay attention to the beauty and the excitement of this painting’s speed and motion. He basically implied that the speed and motion of the technological improvements are also beautiful and exciting. In this painting, we can barely see the car’s shape because of the distorted lines that created the movement’s illusion. Artist actually wanted to show the sound waves in front of the vehicle by using these distorted lines, and as you can see, the distance between lines are getting more significant to the end of the car; the reason for this, he wanted to make this image similar to Doppler Effect in Physics.

Effects and Ending of the Idea

Futurists were so excited about the future that they couldn’t see the destructive effects of mechanizing some areas like weapons. When Italy joined world war I in 1915, the beauty of these technological approaches around Italy was destroyed. Luigi Russolo got seriously injured, and several famous representers of futurism lost their lives; one of them was the sculptor Umberto Boccioni. In 1918, the futurism art trend lost its popularity due to the disappointment of these lots. But the futurism trend’s effect inspired a lot of artists and led to the improvement of many different art trends like Dadaism and Surrealism.

